CCA Coronavirus (Covid-19) Action Plan

Due to the present circumstances regarding the Coronavirus, CCA will implement an action plan in stages. Decisions will be made based on data from the CDC, state and local governments as well as the McAllen School District. Plans are subject to change based on acquired data.

CCA is presently in Stage 1

STAGE 1: CCA will operate with standard procedures taking extra measures of sanitizing protocols. All students and staff will report to campus.

STAGE 2: Blended Learning Plan: All staff report to work. Students will participate in a hybrid of both in-person instruction and/or virtual instruction. Parents will be provided with a consistent and easy-to- follow schedule that facilitates both or either type of instruction during the school year.

CCA will follow CDC guidelines for opening schools in 2020-2021. Some of those guidelines include: (per CDC)

  • Students and staff will have a heath screening in the morning including temperature checks.
  • Students and staff will be wearing masks.
  • Students will observe social distancing by sitting 6 ft. apart.
  • Students will have access to hand washing stations and hand sanitizer throughout the school
  • CCA will follow strict cleaning and sanitizing protocols.

STAGE 3: In this stage, most of our employees are asked to stay home. The majority of teachers and staff can perform duties via technology from the safety of their homes. In Stage 3, only limited staff report to work to complete critical functions, such as (but not limited to):

  • Custodial Teams to facilitate the cleaning and sanitation process of the entire campus
  • CCA Leadership and Administrative Staff for critical planning, messaging, and other key functions as needed.

In this stage, parents keep their children at home. Instruction is provided through distance learning using technology and packets distributed from school. CCA events are canceled.

STAGE 4: All students and all staff stay home. CCA will provide means for families to continue exploring learning in all platforms, including through the use of technology and packets.

Please keep in mind that stages and plans can be adjusted based on how the COVID-19 situation develops and impacts our community.


Student and employee safety continue to be the guiding force of all decisions regarding the 2020-2021 school year. For the 20-21 school year, all staff will return to work on August 10, 2020.

All student instruction will resume as scheduled on Monday, August 24, 2020. Parents will be provided with a consistent and easy-to-follow schedule which will provide students with both:

  • In-person instruction. Students will attend classes and will receive face-to-face instruction.
  • Virtual instruction. Students will attend classes as well as complete assigned work from a distance setting.

The following protocols or guidelines have been established to support the safety of all individuals:

  1. Social distancing practices will be encouraged of all students, employees, and visitors. The number of daily interactions each individual has should be kept to a minimum.
  1. A protocol will be developed for conducting daily screening of all students employees, and visitors.
  1. Hand sanitizing and/or hand washing stations will be available throughout each site (entrance of the building, in each classroom, and throughout hallways).
  1. Students will be instructed in proper hand washing and hand sanitizing techniques. Frequent reminders to practice these techniques will be provided to students and employees. When developmentally appropriate modeling and supervision of these practices will be emphasized.
  1. Classroom arrangements will allow for spacing between desks to abide by the social distancing guidelines suggestions. Guidelines are currently set to be at least six feet apart.
  1. When possible, student groups will not be mixed; students would remain with the same group of students throughout the day and would stay in the same classroom.
  1. Employees and visitors will be required to wear cloth facial coverings.
  1. Arrangements will be made to provide additional cleaning in between classes when a classroom is used by different groups.
  1. Students will not be brought together in assemblies, field trips, or other group gatherings outside of their class group.
  1. CCA will establish a protocol for entry and exit procedures to reduce the number of students and parents congregating both inside and/or outside of the buildings.
  1. CCA will establish a protocol for recreation and lunch time (e.g., eating in the classroom, assigned seating to maintain social distancing, rotations, as well as developing and enforcing a “no sharing” guideline).

These guidelines remain under continuous review to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our students and employees.